Wednesday, May 26, 2010 @ 4:37 AM
The poem shows how the lives of children were during the Vietnam War. The children all lived in fear, as the war rages on. They couldn’t see the light where the war will end or when their lives would be better. Chalks and blackboard was unnecessary as no child would be studying in times of war. They are not free, and they cannot escape this fortune.
The poet is a soldier, who resented war. He was sitting in a hotel room and saw the news on TV. In the background, a small boy was forced to carry a gun, most probably to go for war. The soldier felt disgusted at that scene, and felt that the children were mistreated, when children should have freedom, but they don’t.
The situation and setting is during the war period when everyone is afraid and tries to escape from getting killed in the war. There is darkness everywhere and no freedom.
This was written during the war, where everyone lived in constant fear of getting killed. There is no freedom, and everyone lived in darkness. They cannot see the way out of this and many are slowly giving up hope.
There is a rhyme scheme where the poet used “flee” and “free”. The author is trying to point out that it was impossible to get freedom, neither is it possible to escape out of this situation. There is also a repetition for “Could we…” The poet is trying to say that, although he sees this, he can’t do anything to change this. He feels quite useless, not able to help the children. Lastly, he also repeated, “back into the darkness” to show two strong comparison that in the darkness, there is no light, no encouragement, and there is no way to flee, that the people have to survive through this ordeal.
Monday, March 1, 2010 @ 7:01 PM
Q: What comes to your mind on the word discrimination and what are your views on them?
Ans: I think that this world is very unjust in nature. Eg. In a class, there will always be one person who will be a laughing stock to others. It may be because he’s fat, maybe because of his race. However, it is not his fault to be how he is, yet people tend to make fun of him because he’s different. They just follow the majority who bullies, and few have the courage to defend that guy or to tell the teacher. Hence, I think that this world in nature is unjust, as you may be discriminated against if you are different from the majority.
Q: What are your views on prejudice?
Ans: I think that prejudice occurs as it is human’s habit to stereotype. Although it is a much fairer world from the past, people still tend to stereotype. Eg. Some people still have a dislike towards some race, maybe because they have a smell they dislike, or maybe their culture. Hence, once they see one person of that race doing something wrong, he will think that everyone of that race is like that and forms a wrong perception. However, I think there is a massive improvement from the past. In the past, the blacks didn’t have any civil rights, but now, they can do the same as everyone else.
@ 6:36 PM
c.)Dear Diary
On that day, Mayalla Ewell called on me to help her again. However, when I walked in, she started sedeucing me and she is breaking the code. I would never do something like this, and I rejected her. However, she persisted and I had no choice but to run.
I was unlucky as Bob Ewell just came back. I was quick enough to run, but I couldn’t hide my identity. And now, I am brought to court for something I had not done. I knew that I was going to jail, the moment Bob saw me, I was bound to go to jail, I just don’t know the severity. I thank Atticus Finch for defending me, but I knew long ago it will be to no avail.
Now, in prison, I know I have nothing to lose. There is a loophole in the prison, and I will make use of that. Just a last meeting with my wife and children, and I will turn myself in to face the penalty. I have nothing to lose. By nightfall…
@ 5:34 PM

I have just done a test on
mutiple intelligence (results on right side) and i find it quite true to me. Basically, this test shows that i am logically and
interpersonally smart. In contrast, i am not naturalistic or linguistic. I find it very true as my best subject is maths, and i love to do the questions and problem sums. I also like to hang out with my friends to watch a movie or have a snack. However, i do not really like
subects like literature or
english. I feel hard to express myself or to understand the literature text, i also
dont enjoy reading as much as doing math sums. Lastly, i do not really know how to appreciate nature or enjoy it. Hence, i think that this test is very accurate.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @ 1:32 AM
This month has passed extremely fast, today is the start of a new month. Just 2 days ago, i went to church and the talk was about goal settings. It wasn't as I expected but was still very beneficial. I have since decided to make a personal timetable for myself to keep track on my revisions. Tests are coming in a few weeks time.
School has been boring as usual. Yesterday, our form teacher has decided to change our seats. :( So unlucky, she is changing our seats because we had been noisy. But jeffrey, Junying and I had been very good all along! I just hope that the teacher arrange me with my friends. Okay, thats just a small update on my life. I think and hope that i will write soon.
Monday, January 25, 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Heyhey peepos, long time since i made my last post. Saw something disgusting today, went into facebook, and saw a video. Some of you may have seen it, it's about a woman stepping on a cat and torturing it till the cat died with her high heels. I was totally disgusted, can't bear to watch till the end.
As for school, it was still the boring same old things. Today becos classroom too dirty, then our form teacher decided to punish us by swirching off the fans tomorrow during her lesson. Sian, its not even my duties, and hae to get ounished due to some irresponsible people who doesn't do their duties.
Nvm, anyways, i hav started playing gunbound! :D Actually it was quite fun, i have not played it since a few years back. It was more fun than i thought. seriously recommend it to everyone. (Haha, jus joking)
So this is jus an update about my life. write soon :)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 4:51 AM
Wow, 2day was like 1 of the most boring days in sch
this is my 2nd post for this blog and i hav
to say negative tings =.=
1st had to copy so many notes for the English thing, almost broke my hand.
Then after that was science, at 1st thought wld be ok
but he was uper dull and boring for the 90 min, almost dozed off
Finally the sch ended, super hungry, but still had to attend a talk on the LEP,
teacher tok and tok, until 2 20 then let us go,
by the time go canteen the stall no more food liao.
Yea, thats for today. BYE